Friday, September 25, 2009

This is blog. Resistance is futile.

So, America (said Obama) would like to start a new [peaceful] life with another people in this planet? Am I receiving the correct sign? It is like trying to push a camel into needle pinhole. How America (and his naughty brother, Israel) would live, then?

Because, both countries live by selling weapons.
And selling war.
And selling Angels and Demons' game.
(You know who are the angels and who are the demons).

Rethorical speech is no longer trusted.
Because we have internet. We have facebook, myspace, twitter, blogs, youtube, younameit .. and of course, the mighty google - to find the truth.

One Lehman Brother might tumbled. There are more than hundreds naughty other 'brothers' to re-awaken the troublesome world global economics mechanism (proven to be a huge horror, but don't worry, people forget it quickly)

So, who believe who then?

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